Posts In Category "Local SEO"

Best SEO Conferences – COVID 2020 Update
The fourth quarter is typically a time for marketing departments to budget for the next year. When evaluating where marketing spends and return on investment, in 2020 consider the role of continuing education. We know it’s important and judging by the results of 2019 Marketing Budget Benchmark Study, marketing teams do, too. Networking Events, Trade Shows, and Conferences were among the top five marketing expenses across an average of all 100 accounting firms they surveyed. High-growth accounting firms, in particular, know that digital marketing and SEO are keys for future growth, so adding at least one SEO conference to the marketing budget is highly recommended.
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Landing Page Best Practices 2019
When it comes to creating an effective, high-converting and successful PPC campaign, lots of effort and energy always goes into the creation of ads. We draft them, refine them, target them, launch them, rewrite them, relaunch them and retarget them, all in the name of creating something that will lead to the highest possible conversion rate.But the ad itself is only half of the battle. In fact, some consider it the slightly less important of the two sides of the PPC coin. That’s because, without a powerful, well-constructed and high-converting landing page, all the advertising budget you spend on PPC advertising will amount to not much at all.
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How Do I Improve My Local SEO?
Did you know that almost half of all Google searches are conducted by users looking for local information? Even in your own use of Google, think about how often you add ‘near me’ or your city after the search term to narrow down the results. These same principles apply to local searches for professional services firms also. Before you continue reading this post, Google a common search query for your firm. Try using something like ‘CPA and tax preparation’ or ‘labor and employment attorney.’ Then add ‘near me’ or the city where your firm is located. Does your firm’s website appear on the first page of search results? If it doesn’t, there is an opportunity to push your firm up the rankings and claim your spot at the top. Below is a list of a few quick steps you can take that will go a long way to improving your local SEO.
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What is Local SEO?
Many marketers are familiar with the term local SEO or at least the concept that what comes up in a search engine results in based (in part) on location. It makes sense especially if someone is using their computer or mobile to search for an auto repair shop or bakery that Google provide results that […]
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How Do I Get My Firm to Show at the Top of Google Maps?
Many companies and professional service firms invest time and resources building up their website content, implementing and enhancing on-page SEO and engaging in social media. The focus on creating a content rich website that serves customers, clients and prospects is essential for success in search engine marketing (SEM). Since this requires a great deal of effort and consistency, it often draws attention away from other important tasks. Recently a client asked, “How do I get my firm to show at the top of a Google Maps search?” The question highlighted the importance of being found in Google Maps and of not overlooking the small items when managing your firm or company’s SEM efforts. The good news is that there is a set of steps that any marketer can follow to increase their ranking in Google maps. The unwelcome news is that it takes time and effort to optimize to get your listing to move up the list.
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