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Posts Tagged "SEO Consultants"

SEO Insights

What Should I Do with Old Blog Posts?

     -     Dec 24th, 2018   -     Search Engine Optimization   -     0 Comments

The world of search engine marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) is constantly changing. According to Moz, a leading SEO software development company, there have been more than 12 major Google algorithm updates which impact how a firm’s site is indexed and ranked. Given this moving target, it’s no surprise that marketers are often confused about various aspects of content marketing, SEO and website management. It’s difficult to understand what exactly Google wants you to do. A common question we are asked is about old blog posts and website content. On one hand, Google likes to see “older” content on websites because it indicates authority. On the other hand, however, they want fresh content addressing relevant issues and trends impacting the firm’s clients and prospects. It leaves many marketers wondering, what should I do with old blog posts?

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SEO Insights

Study Reveals Social Media as a Primary News Source

     -     Dec 20th, 2018   -     Search Engine Optimization   -     0 Comments

As technology continues to evolve and social media gains more and more popularity, the above headline should come as no surprise to many. The trend of today is to turn to online social media sources for news and information in comparison to the traditional way of reading the daily edition of the newspaper according to a recent study conducted by Pew Research Center. As surprising as this may seem to those us of who have been around a while, it’s true!

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SEO Insights

How Do I Improve My Local SEO?

     -     Oct 23rd, 2018   -     Local SEO   -     0 Comments

Did you know that almost half of all Google searches are conducted by users looking for local information? Even in your own use of Google, think about how often you add ‘near me’ or your city after the search term to narrow down the results. These same principles apply to local searches for professional services firms also. Before you continue reading this post, Google a common search query for your firm. Try using something like ‘CPA and tax preparation’ or ‘labor and employment attorney.’ Then add ‘near me’ or the city where your firm is located. Does your firm’s website appear on the first page of search results? If it doesn’t, there is an opportunity to push your firm up the rankings and claim your spot at the top. Below is a list of a few quick steps you can take that will go a long way to improving your local SEO.

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SEO Insights

How to Optimize for Google’s Key SERP Features

     -     Oct 22nd, 2018   -     Search Engine Optimization   -     0 Comments

Over time Google has changed its search results and how they are presented to provide the searcher with additional value, access to information and enhanced ability to get to important information in the shortest amount of time possible. In fact, there is currently 16 search engine result page (SERP) features designed to make using Google friendlier and more convenient. These features often referred to as packs, ranging from featured snippets, image packs, and reviews, to news boxes and related questions. More than likely you have seen, used or experienced some or all these SERP features at some point in the past. As you can imagine, having your firm’s information appear in one of these features is not only good for visibility but also has a powerful impact on the click-through rate (i.e. people who come to your site because it’s there). Many marketers are wondering how they can optimize their website to take advantage of these features.

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