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Google’s Panda 4.2
Panda 4.2 is designed to stop any web practices that exploits Google’s search engine algorithm. So what does that exactly mean? Well it means any one that is engaging in behavior such as acting as a content farm (producing low quality content at a high volume), offering link bait (content designed to attract attention and encourage those viewing it to create hyperlinks to the site, with the aim of improving the site’s position on the list of results returned by a search engine), and other such activities.
So it’s widely held that the first version of Panda 4.1 impacted the rankings of about 5% of all websites. Of course it’s a small percentage but it’s still a lot of websites. 4.2 will definitely not impact 5% of websites, but more like 2%. The roll out has been very very slow which I think is because Google wants to impact these exploitative websites in subtle manner. This will make it easier for them to reduce their ranking and stop the poor behavior.
The way to respond to the update:
- Quality Content – More and more Google is putting a high focus on quality content. So this means your firm needs to continue its focus on the developing content.
- Analytics Review – We will keep watching the analytics to identify any unusual drops or changes in traffic patterns. If we do then I can go ahead and use a few tools we have to assess what is at the root of the issue.
Let us know if your website has been negatively impacted by the most recent Panda update.