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Google Chrome to Mark Non-SSL Sites as Not Secure
Over the coming weeks Google Chrome will be making a slight change that could have a significant impact on CPA and accounting firms. To encourage companies to switch their domains to Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or https instead of the traditional http, Google Chrome will show certain activities related to the site as not secure. Google has said for months that starting at the end of October, Chrome will show not secure in the browser window, on a non-SSL enabled website, when a user fills out a form or when viewed in incognito mode. To learn more about SSL, what it is and why CPA firms should implement it on their website, click here to review a previous blog post, SSL 101: What You Need to Know.
While this change may not seem significant it could have an unexpected impact on CPA firms. Consider what impression it would leave on a prospect or client when they search on your website and see the not secure message in their browser window? While it certainly doesn’t mean the site is not secure it’s more than likely it will be perceived that way. In fact, those two words could create doubt in the minds of clients and others about your firm’s website. Consider how it may make them feel about submitting online payments or even using your client portal feature? According to a survey from Hubspot, 82% of respondents would leave a site if they saw the “Not Secure” warning.
Beyond the changes that Chrome is implementing Google has stated that it considers whether a domain is using SSL into their ranking formula. They have said that a website with a SSL certificate active could out rank a similar site without the same credentials.
Now is the time to review your domain to determine if you have SSL active. If not, we highly recommend making the needed changes and becoming secure. If you have questions or would like assistance becoming secure, please contact us today! We look forward to speaking with you soon.