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The Five Types of Google Ads
In 2019, there are few things more ubiquitous for advertisers and brands than Google advertising. Ever since this tech behemoth became the go-to source for searches, information, and business decisions, advertisers and organizations have been leveraging their impressive global reach in order to access the exact audiences they most want to target. After all, Google ads are cost-effective, highly customizable, and uniquely targeted to appear when users are searching for an exact target or service (or sometimes the product or service of a competitor.)
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Landing Pages for PPC
When it comes to pay-per-click advertising (PPC), most businesses and websites opt to send traffic to their homepages. This impulse is natural. If you are paying for a sponsored ad slot on Google, you want to get as much return on that investment as possible. What better way to maximize the ROI of a PPC campaign than to send visitors to the page on your website that has the broadest appeal and function? In most cases, that page is the homepage, hence the targeting of homepages as PPC landing pages.
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Landing Page Best Practices 2019
When it comes to creating an effective, high-converting and successful PPC campaign, lots of effort and energy always goes into the creation of ads. We draft them, refine them, target them, launch them, rewrite them, relaunch them and retarget them, all in the name of creating something that will lead to the highest possible conversion rate.But the ad itself is only half of the battle. In fact, some consider it the slightly less important of the two sides of the PPC coin. That’s because, without a powerful, well-constructed and high-converting landing page, all the advertising budget you spend on PPC advertising will amount to not much at all.
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Power of Website Imagery
In the beautiful world we live in, it’s no wonder humans are visual creatures. Moment by moment we are saturated with visuals – some better than others – and the online world is not much different. Think of all the websites one visits daily and what they are comprised of – images and content. Which stand out the most and are remembered? Most likely the answer is websites that utilize amazing imagery. In a very subliminal way, images have the power to persuade us to engage with a brand and ultimately make a purchase a service. Most certainly one’s curiosity has been piqued. Therefore, why is imagery so potent?
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