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Posts Tagged "Prospect Focused Website"

SEO Insights

Beyond Design – Building a Prospect Focused Website

     -     Feb 6th, 2018   -     Web Design   -     0 Comments

When the opportunity comes to redesign your firm’s website, it is often a time of excitement and stress. The opportunity to modernize the firm’s site, make it more attractive, and embody the firm’s brand and key messaging is exciting. Heck – it’s why you are a marketer. These things are what excites you and taps into your creative passion. However, it is important to remember that the website is also a sales tool for the firm. While it is important to have a well-designed and branded site, it is equally as important to think about how the homepage can be used to showcase the firm’s expertise and drive visitor focus. Quite often I work with marketers and accountants that are in love with the look of their new site, but they gave very little thought to how design choices and functionality facilitate engagement. Consideration about how the new website will function, how it can be adjusted to take advantage of buying cycles, and notable events, should not be an afterthought.

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