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Posts Tagged "Keyword Research Essentials"

Keyword Essentials

Keyword Research Essentials for Accounting Marketers

     -     Jan 14th, 2019   -     Search Engine Optimization   -     0 Comments

There is a misconception in accounting marketing circles that they need to hire a digital agency to manage their firm’s website and search engine optimization programs. While there are advantages to working with an outside agency, motivated and engaged accounting marketers can take their firm’s website a long way without ever spending a dime on a digital agency.

The vast number of videos, blogs, podcasts and tools available on the web make it easy to develop foundational knowledge for general SEO, local SEO and even pay-per-click (PPC) and paid advertising. The only thing most accounting marketers need is the time to learn and the desire to experiment and try new things on their websites. If you have an experimental nature or a strong interest in learning about these topics beyond a 30-minute presentation – you’re in luck.

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