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Posts Tagged "Google SERP Features"

SEO Insights

How Do I Rank for Position 0?

     -     Oct 26th, 2018   -     Search Engine Optimization   -     0 Comments

Google regularly enhances and adds to its search engine result page (SERP) features. One of the most interesting features that’s noticed by marketers is position 0. This is the small box that appears at the top of the SERP when someone conducts a search based on a question. To enhance the user experience (UX) Google reviews millions of webpages that answer the searcher’s question and presents those answers at the top of the page. It’s very desirable to attain position 0 (technically called a featured snippet) because it is gold for visibility. Let’s face it more searchers will see your website because your content is prominently featured at the top of the SERP. It also allows your site to get more traffic and boosts the trust and credibility of your website. This is great news for the website and SEO efforts but has many asking the question…

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