Posts Tagged "Featured Snippets"

How to Optimize for Google’s Key SERP Features
Over time Google has changed its search results and how they are presented to provide the searcher with additional value, access to information and enhanced ability to get to important information in the shortest amount of time possible. In fact, there is currently 16 search engine result page (SERP) features designed to make using Google friendlier and more convenient. These features often referred to as packs, ranging from featured snippets, image packs, and reviews, to news boxes and related questions. More than likely you have seen, used or experienced some or all these SERP features at some point in the past. As you can imagine, having your firm’s information appear in one of these features is not only good for visibility but also has a powerful impact on the click-through rate (i.e. people who come to your site because it’s there). Many marketers are wondering how they can optimize their website to take advantage of these features.
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