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Posts Tagged "Content Development"

Keeping Content In the Fresh Zone

Keeping Content In the “Fresh Zone”

     -     Oct 10th, 2017   -     Content Development   -     0 Comments

Fresh content is the key to a robust SEO program. Without it even the most well designed and visually engaging sites will not be able to produce much in the way of new leads. However, one area where marketers struggle is in generating high value content and preventing existing site content from getting stale.

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SEO Insights

The Truth About Duplicate Content

     -     Nov 29th, 2016   -     Search Engine Optimization   -     0 Comments

In my work with accounting marketers one of the most frequently asked questions I receive is about duplicate content. There is the assumption in the industry that duplicate content on a website is the equivalent of the black plague. Once a site has been spotted with it by Google they may as well admit defeat and shut the site down. Okay that is an overstatement, but you get the point. The truth is that duplicate content is not damaging to a website’s rankings as many believe. In fact, Google has published a fair amount of information about how they handle duplicate content and the impact. To help industry professionals understand the impact, I have provided some eye opening information below.

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