SEO Guides, Tips & More!
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How Do I Hire a SEO Expert?
SEO (search engine optimization) is a complicated arena and it’s ever-changing. As Google continues to refine their algorithm and ranking factors, the corresponding tactics to obtain a number one ranking keep shifting. While picking out keywords and helping your company build a content strategy is important, SEO is about more than that. It’s far more comprehensive involving several variables including how your website is coded and administered to the title of your content and referring links. Is your head spinning yet?
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How Do I Rank for Position 0?
Google regularly enhances and adds to its search engine result page (SERP) features. One of the most interesting features that’s noticed by marketers is position 0. This is the small box that appears at the top of the SERP when someone conducts a search based on a question. To enhance the user experience (UX) Google reviews millions of webpages that answer the searcher’s question and presents those answers at the top of the page. It’s very desirable to attain position 0 (technically called a featured snippet) because it is gold for visibility. Let’s face it more searchers will see your website because your content is prominently featured at the top of the SERP. It also allows your site to get more traffic and boosts the trust and credibility of your website. This is great news for the website and SEO efforts but has many asking the question…
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How Do I Improve My Local SEO?
Did you know that almost half of all Google searches are conducted by users looking for local information? Even in your own use of Google, think about how often you add ‘near me’ or your city after the search term to narrow down the results. These same principles apply to local searches for professional services firms also. Before you continue reading this post, Google a common search query for your firm. Try using something like ‘CPA and tax preparation’ or ‘labor and employment attorney.’ Then add ‘near me’ or the city where your firm is located. Does your firm’s website appear on the first page of search results? If it doesn’t, there is an opportunity to push your firm up the rankings and claim your spot at the top. Below is a list of a few quick steps you can take that will go a long way to improving your local SEO.
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How to Optimize for Google’s Key SERP Features
Over time Google has changed its search results and how they are presented to provide the searcher with additional value, access to information and enhanced ability to get to important information in the shortest amount of time possible. In fact, there is currently 16 search engine result page (SERP) features designed to make using Google friendlier and more convenient. These features often referred to as packs, ranging from featured snippets, image packs, and reviews, to news boxes and related questions. More than likely you have seen, used or experienced some or all these SERP features at some point in the past. As you can imagine, having your firm’s information appear in one of these features is not only good for visibility but also has a powerful impact on the click-through rate (i.e. people who come to your site because it’s there). Many marketers are wondering how they can optimize their website to take advantage of these features.
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What is Local SEO?
Many marketers are familiar with the term local SEO or at least the concept that what comes up in a search engine results in based (in part) on location. It makes sense especially if someone is using their computer or mobile to search for an auto repair shop or bakery that Google provide results that […]
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How Do I Track Return on my SEO Efforts?
Any seasoned marketer or business owner wants to make the right investment when it comes to marketing tactics to help accomplish their objectives. This is the case whether it’s traditional advertising, radio, print publication and even search engine optimization (SEO). Since many businesses are unfamiliar with the various ways to demonstrate progress in SEO, they typically have only one metric in mind when it comes to identifying the return, and that’s new business. While this is certainly a compelling metric and one that should be regularly monitored, there are several others that can provide additional insight into the return being received from SEO efforts. It’s important to measure progress in ways that extend beyond just the amount of new business generated by a website because different sites have different maturity levels in terms of content quality, engagement, influence and amplification. Therefore, the appropriate level of return for one site may be completely different for another.
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Insights into the Content Consumption Habits of the C-Suite
The power of digital marketing is clear through the strategies professional services firms have been using generate new business opportunities. With the help of various search engine marketing tactics businesses have been able to influence, educate and connect with prospects and clients on key issues and challenges. A common challenge that many marketers face is determining the best type of content to produce and the most effective delivery method to reach their target market. It’s a pressing mystery that needs to be considered given the various types of content and delivery methods that can be leveraged. Investing time and resources in a less effective process will inhibit the firm’s growth potential and frustrate efforts.
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What Makes Content Valuable?
Marketers for any type of service or product-based business are tasked with the challenge of producing valuable content for their website, blog and social media channels. Finding essential topics to research, explore and discover can be a challenging task. The initial inclination of many is to focus only on topics that directly relate to the product or service(s) offered. Why? Simply because one of the main purposes of content marketing is to engage potential prospects to present your offering as the solution to their needs. While this is an important step, it often creates a misfire to building an audience, securing content amplification and driving search engine marketing (SEM). Valuable content does far more than outline the value of what your company does and also extends beyond that to provide information that is relevant, helpful and important to your target audience(s). To help clients, prospects and others understand the traits of valuable content, FlashPoint Marketing has provided a summary of the most common traits.
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How to Evaluate SEO Agencies
When it comes to website and search engine marketing efforts, the time comes when business owners and marketing managers realize they need the assistance of an outside. The catalyst for the search might be sagging metrics, lack of website conversions or feeling the website could and should be doing more for the company or firm. When the search for a SEO agency starts, the process can be overwhelming because there are dozens and dozens of companies that offer such services. The interesting part is that some agencies recommend and provide services that focus on organic SEO while others utilize paid optimization (pay-per-click PPC) as their main approach. While both methods have their value, it’s difficult for an inexperienced business owner or marketing manager to know where to start.
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3 Tips for Content Amplification
To run successful content marketing campaigns, businesses and brands in today’s market need to be on their toes and always stay one step ahead of the game. The phrase “content is King” has been pushed on businesses in their digital marketing campaigns to the point that many businesses are producing content on top of content, on top of more content, but not getting the results they were expecting. Great content is vitally important to every digital marketing plan, but perhaps the term “content is King” should be modified to say “content distribution is King”. To help you tailor your content distribution strategy to build a more successful content marketing campaign try using the below tips.
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