SEO Guides, Tips & More!
Learn from Our ExperienceTechnical Tuesday – February 2016
InDesign Tips & Tricks: All About Frames Happy Valentine’s Day a few days late! Time is whizzing by and it’s hard to believe that we’re rounding the corner toward March and signs of Spring like Daylight Savings Time and warmer temperatures! Speaking of warmer, last month in the first edition of Technical Tuesday we examined […]
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Technical Tuesday – January 2016
InDesign Tips & Tricks: Margins, Bleed & Master Pages I’ll begin this with passion first… Simply stated, I love Adobe InDesign. It is by far the most flexible and complete application on the market for the creation of various marketing collateral – both print and digital. While it’s taken me years to become a master […]
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7 Tips to Creating a Successful Firm Blog
As the new year has quickly begun, many are in “strategy and planning” mode for the months ahead. While there are many areas to focus on to further develop in 2016, hopefully, your blog is included in those plans. Many marketing managers feel that maintaining a successful blog is a daunting task that requires extensive resources, but this is not necessarily the case. A blog is a marketing vehicle that can be managed by your existing staff.
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Drive More Website Leads with Prospect Centered Content
Recently I was a speaker at the December meeting for the Chicago Chapter of the Association of Accounting Marketing. It was a great opportunity to connect with AAM members in another city and engage them in discussions about their websites and digital marketing efforts. A good portion of the presentation focused on quality content — what it is, how it is developed, and how firms of any size can build a process and structure to generate such content. Obviously, the majority of marketing professionals understand the need to publish quality content, but often they are challenged because very few have the resources and tools in place to do so. In fact, due to circumstances beyond their control, they are often required to settle for less than optimal content because it’s the best they can do. Having worked in several firm’s myself, I can certainly understand how subpar content exists and is published, however, what’s more, important is to have a clear understanding of quality content so that marketing professionals can move the firm’s towards it.
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Why WordPress?
When submitting proposals for websites, we are often asked why FlashPoint designs and implements websites using WordPress. In fact, this question comes up so often that I have finally decided to write a blog post about it. The truth is, in terms of open content management systems, WordPress offers the most flexible and easy to use system for those who are not very technical. Some firms we work with are actually quite savvy at using WordPress and have become experts of sorts, but not everyone starts this way.
Read More →Keeping Your Content Fresh and the SEO Benefits
Imagine going to your favorite news or entertainment website several days in a row and finding nothing new on the site. If that happened more than once, would you be in a hurry to visit again? My guess is probably not. If visitors coming to your site aren’t finding new, fresh, relevant content when they […]
Read More →Why Brand Updates are Important
Today’s marketplace is beyond saturated with firms offering services to the individuals and business owners. It can leave an Accounting Marketing professional wondering how their firm can make an impression and a difference. It can also leave one wondering if their firm’s brand is even taken seriously. If you are plagued with these questions, the […]
Read More →How Social Media Helps SEO
It will come as no surprise to anyone reading this blog post that we now live in a world where social media inundates just about every facet our daily lives. However, in spite of our increasing reliance on social media, some businesses are still failing to realize the effectiveness of social media as a business […]
Read More →5 Ways to Reach Your Target Audience Online
In the busy world of CPA firms, many marketers focus themselves growing lists, existing clients, Twitter followers, and Facebook friends, but ignore a metric that creates mobs of raving supporters and new clients. It’s called audience engagement, and it can boost your online brand and presence considerably. The fact is the majority of our target […]
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SEO Checklist When Launching a New Website
There is no question that getting a new site live and indexed is a not an easy task. Failing to leverage SEO best practices may leave your site in the dark making it more difficult to get your site ranked for the desired keyword phrases. No clicks and no visitors means lost business opportunity. Having […]
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