SEO Guides, Tips & More!
Learn from Our Experience
Building a Template Website – Pros & Cons
Most accounting marketers understand the importance of a robust website for maintaining the firm’s brand, engaging potential employment candidates and prospects interested in your services. Ensuring that prospects can find your firm through a Google search is key to identifying and attracting new clients. Let’s face it most people will “Google” a company before they […]
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Keeping Content In the “Fresh Zone”
Fresh content is the key to a robust SEO program. Without it even the most well designed and visually engaging sites will not be able to produce much in the way of new leads. However, one area where marketers struggle is in generating high value content and preventing existing site content from getting stale.
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Tips for Project Managing Your Website Redesign
Recently I was talking about an expected website redesign project with a client. They have been slow to get the project started and I was curious what was causing the delay. When I inquired, she shared that it’s just such a big project and she believed it would end up taking over her professional life and need motivation to get started.
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Design Considerations When Redeveloping Your Website
Choosing to undergo a website redesign is a huge task with many important items to consider. After all, your website is often the first “touch” that influences how prospects feel about your company and services. Simply stated, a website with poorly thought out design and functionality can get a user to leave the site as quickly as they arrived.
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Finding the Right Web Developer for Your Project
Redesigning a firm’s website happens once or twice during a marketing professional’s tenure. It’s often something that happens once and the site is not touched for 5-7 years. By the time another redesign is due many marketing professionals have transitioned to a role outside the company. This reality means that most don’t have a lot of experience to draw upon when starting a website redesign project. This is evident from the various questions we receive when responding to RFP’s or when discussing an upcoming web project. In fact, in most cases prospects will spend a lot of time asking questions about the process, timelines and pricing, but little asking about development approach, philosophy, preferred CMS, search engine optimization integration and how the site will be coded to make it user friendly.
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Bracing for Mobile First Indexing
Most accounting understand that the world of SEO is always in flux and just because you are doing well today doesn’t mean the future will hold the same. One day you are in and the next day out. This may be an exaggeration but Google literally changes that fast sometimes, so it’s important to stay on top of changes coming and understand how they may impact you. One such change is called Google ‘s Mobile First Index. Accounting marketers need to be aware of this change because if they are not prepared it’s likely they will lose hard-fought keyword ranking earned over several years. To help understand the change and it’s impact, we have provided a summary of key points below.
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Google for Jobs Feature
Google is always looking for innovative ways to drive value to searchers and the recently announced jobs feature continues that streak.
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New Features Added to Google’s Popular “Test My Site” Tool
When it comes to SEO, many marketers are aware of the numerous factors that affect their firm’s website rankings. Some marketers are aware of the free tools offered by Google to help them measure, position and make changes to their site for more effective positioning with the search engine. One valuable tool, that all marketers […]
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Content + SEO = Winning Formula
In the realm of SEO and better Google rankings for your website most accounting marketers are aware that quality content is a must have. However, there is a lot of confusion by marketing professionals on what makes content good from a SEO perspective.
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Google’s Mobile-First Indexing Has Arrived
In a previous FlashPoint Marketing blog post, the subject of Google’s mobile-first indexing was discussed, however testing had not yet begun. This explains Google’s most recent announcement that they have begun experiments to make their index mobile-first a priority. For those who are unsure what this means, essentially Google is going to rank its search listing on mobile content first. This will be done even if the search is being conducted on a desktop computer.
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