SEO Guides, Tips & More!
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Landing Page Best Practices 2019
When it comes to creating an effective, high-converting and successful PPC campaign, lots of effort and energy always goes into the creation of ads. We draft them, refine them, target them, launch them, rewrite them, relaunch them and retarget them, all in the name of creating something that will lead to the highest possible conversion rate.But the ad itself is only half of the battle. In fact, some consider it the slightly less important of the two sides of the PPC coin. That’s because, without a powerful, well-constructed and high-converting landing page, all the advertising budget you spend on PPC advertising will amount to not much at all.
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Ideal Blog Length for SEO
Running a quality and consistent blog is a must for any company, brand, or individual looking to raise their profile and SEO rankings on major search engines like Google. But there are still many questions about how to write blogs that actually boost SEO. One of the most common questions: How long should a blog post be to rank effectively? While there are some general best practices for writing blog posts that provide real value, understanding exactly how to use blog post length effectively is a bit more complicated. Fortunately, we’ve created this thorough guide to explore ideal blog post length and how it can change based on the audience, keyword set, market, and other factors.
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2019 PPC Essentials
In the world of digital marketing, there are few concepts more common and discussed than PPC advertising. PPC, or pay-per-click, experienced its rise alongside the rise of Google, who pioneered the concept and turned it into one of the most lucrative businesses of all time. Advertising now accounts for over 97% of Google’s total revenue, almost all of it through its Ads program. But PPC isn’t just a tool for making Google richer—it’s also a powerful way to bring in new audiences, leads, and customers to your business through the power of Google search results.
While much of the content on our blog focuses on traditional or organic SEO, that doesn’t mean that PPC doesn’t have its place on the digital marketing landscape. In fact, there are many reasons that PPC is important including it’s easier to track return on investment, it’s quite easy to target the specific audience you want (for example, LinkedIn allows for targeting by title, company or even groups or associations individuals are connected with or belong to), and there is the control aspect. Businesses can spend as much or as little as they want to reach their campaign goals. Finally, PPC allows a company to have an immediate presence for certain keyword term searches, which may take time to accomplish using organic SEO

12 SEO Tools to Drive Results
Finding the right tools for the job makes things go a lot faster and easier. Just try installing a new fence without a power miter saw and you will experience exactly what I mean. While knowing the right steps to take to complete a job are the starting point, it’s essential to have the right tools at your disposal to tackle the nuances which are sure to appear.
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SEO Like the Pros with These Resources
As the world of search becomes increasingly complex, and more businesses leverage the power of the web to drive business, it’s more difficult than ever to effectively execute SEO. In fact, Google regularly updates their algorithm resulting in changes to how sites are indexed and the effectiveness of various tactics. In fact, approaches that worked a year ago may no longer be effective because of the updates implemented. While it can be a tough road to navigate, it doesn’t mean all hope is lost. In fact, if your company maintains a Google friendly website, follows the “rules” (aka Google Quality Guidelines) and has a little SEO knowledge, then there is a great chance for success.
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SEO – Frequently Asked Questions
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a broad topic that spans a wide variety of topics such as keyword research, content marketing, link building and more. Whether you are new to the world of SEO or a seasoned pro, odds are you have questions about how these elements tie together to help Google and other search engines rank the content for various keyword terms. The more time, effort and energy invested into these areas will almost always lead to a positive outcome. The challenge is that search engines are changing how they review, interpret, evaluate and index content. In fact, in 2019 alone Google has had several minor updates and a suspected core update just last month. Given the constant state of change, it’s important to be looking for information that expands your knowledge and understanding of the field.
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Building a New Site? Consider this….
As the marketing director, you’ve just been given approval to move forward with the task of redesigning your current website – score marketing department! This is an incredible and exciting opportunity to be part of creating solutions that can generate new business and revenue. A blank canvas has been given to you to develop with a design team. Before diving head first into this creative journey, take time to consider the complexities that are involved with the process including the importance of planning. Everyone has heard the expression “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. This couldn’t be truer when it comes to a designing and developing a new website.
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Link Building Essentials
Link building is an essential component of any search engine optimization (SEO) program. In order to rank well in Google and other search engines, it’s important to have a high number of links from other websites. While back links don’t have the same importance as they once had (Google currently has over 200 ranking factors), it doesn’t mean that marketers should not focus on link building as part of their program. In fact, a study featured in Search Engine Journal clearly highlights the importance that quality back links play in helping websites achieve a top ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). It’s obvious that quality content is a necessity in order to be a dominant force in SEO, but without a robust number of back links it is difficult to reach the top.
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Best SEO Conferences to Attend in 2019
It’s a good idea to branch out into specific skill sets to broaden knowledge about areas crucial for marketing innovation. We’re biased, but we highly recommend a deeper dive into SEO training. FlashPoint scoured the best 2019 SEO conferences happening in the U.S. and abroad this spring, summer and fall. With conferences on the West Coast, East Coast, Midwest, and UK, there’s something for everyone. Read on to discover what you may learn at each
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Why Google Prefers SSL Certificates
One of the many responsibilities of firm marketers is the requirement to devote time to the firm’s website which includes its design, functionality, content, SEO, data analytics and even its security. With 2019 well under way, so are new requirements and best practices from Google including one of this year’s mandatories which is for all websites to have an SSL certificate. If your website doesn’t currently have a SSL certificate it should be on your short list of website to-dos because if it’s not, Google will flag your website.
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