SEO Guides, Tips & More!
Learn from Our Experience
Preparing for Your Redesign
Redesigning your website is often a marketer’s dream project. The opportunity to create a website based on your vision is an exciting time. There is also the feeling of apprehension and being overwhelmed when one considers the depth of the project. While there are a lot of steps involved in a site redesign, it is important to understand some pre-planning you can do before starting the project
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What are 301 Redirects?
Learn about the popular 310 redirects that are essential part of any new website launch. In this short video, Brian Swanson, explains what they are and how they should be used.
Leanrn about the popular 310 redirects that are essential part of any new website launch. In this short video, Brian Swanson, explains what they are and how they should be used.
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What is Your SEO Maintenance Plan?
In the mid 1990’s, there was this commercial that ran on television in Chicago on a regular basis. It was an ad for a table top oven known as the Ronco Rotisserie Oven. It was an oven that could fit two turkeys and could cook them in a quick period. The slogan for this product was “set it and forget it”.
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Beyond Design – Building a Prospect Focused Website
When the opportunity comes to redesign your firm’s website, it is often a time of excitement and stress. The opportunity to modernize the firm’s site, make it more attractive, and embody the firm’s brand and key messaging is exciting. Heck – it’s why you are a marketer. These things are what excites you and taps into your creative passion. However, it is important to remember that the website is also a sales tool for the firm. While it is important to have a well-designed and branded site, it is equally as important to think about how the homepage can be used to showcase the firm’s expertise and drive visitor focus. Quite often I work with marketers and accountants that are in love with the look of their new site, but they gave very little thought to how design choices and functionality facilitate engagement. Consideration about how the new website will function, how it can be adjusted to take advantage of buying cycles, and notable events, should not be an afterthought.
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Role of Video in Content Marketing
Video marketing is something that scares most accounting marketers. There are a lot of unknowns as the “cost to entry” for an unproven tactic is one that scares away even the bravest of us. There are many accounting marketers that have considered the tactic but have not moved forward. After all, the firm would need to invest in some equipment, find the right partner or manager to speak, find interesting topics, present them in an engaging way, and do it in a way that represents the firm’s brand.
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How to Evaluate Your SEO Agency
During a recent presentation I gave at the Association for Accounting Marketing (AAM) Minnesota chapter, I was asked a very interesting question that I am sure others have considered. The question was “How do I evaluate my SEO provider?” This is a great question because in the world of SEO, things are always changing, and it can be difficult to know what real value an agency is providing to the firm.
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Making Your Plans for 2018
Most of you reading this blog post are hopefully at the end of the budgeting process and are ready to implement your plans for 2018. For those who are stuck in the budget approval mode I empathize with your situation. Waiting to learn what projects are approved and not approved through budgeting can be tedious. Whatever your situation, it’s important to ensure you can make progress towards each strategic goal(s) you have outlined. Engaging and cultivating your audience(s) is essential to success in the marketing world – whether traditional or digital.
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12 Days of Google – Day 12: Keyword Cannibalization
This is the excessive use of the same keyword on multiple pages across the website. Not only is this outdated thinking but when implemented generously it becomes annoying to the reader to see the term or terms so often. This practices often confuses search engines and they are unable to determine the most relevant term to the content.
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12 Days of Google – Day 11: Google Juice
Google Juice – This is jargon which refers to the amount of trust, authority of pagerank that flows throughout outgoing links to other web pages. The more Google Juice a website has the better.
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12 Days of Google – Day 10: Bounce Rate
Bounce Rate – This information is available in your Google analytics account and measures total site engagement. The bounce rate is the percentage of users who enter a site and then leave it without viewing any other pages. When the bounce rate is too high it means that your website is not engaging site visitors.
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