SEO Guides, Tips & More!
Learn from Our Experience
What is Black Hat SEO?
This is a term that refers to the use of tactics designed to manipulate search engine rankings. In other words, all the tactics used are designed to “encourage” Google and others to enhance a site’s rankings. This type of SEO is used by websites that want to quickly shoot to the top of the rankings for a certain term and generally seek an immediate financial benefit. They are not focused on providing a pleasant user experience and often completely ignore established guidelines published by search engines
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What is White Hat SEO?
All industries have a particular vernacular that insiders use to not only communicate with one other but also to let people know they are an “insider”. Listen to a police officer on the job to experience this phenomenon in action. There is no shortage of acronyms that describe their various programs, tasks, and even their […]
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What Should I Do with Old Blog Posts?
The world of search engine marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) is constantly changing. According to Moz, a leading SEO software development company, there have been more than 12 major Google algorithm updates which impact how a firm’s site is indexed and ranked. Given this moving target, it’s no surprise that marketers are often confused about various aspects of content marketing, SEO and website management. It’s difficult to understand what exactly Google wants you to do. A common question we are asked is about old blog posts and website content. On one hand, Google likes to see “older” content on websites because it indicates authority. On the other hand, however, they want fresh content addressing relevant issues and trends impacting the firm’s clients and prospects. It leaves many marketers wondering, what should I do with old blog posts?
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Study Reveals Social Media as a Primary News Source
As technology continues to evolve and social media gains more and more popularity, the above headline should come as no surprise to many. The trend of today is to turn to online social media sources for news and information in comparison to the traditional way of reading the daily edition of the newspaper according to a recent study conducted by Pew Research Center. As surprising as this may seem to those us of who have been around a while, it’s true!
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Does Social Media Impact SEO?
It’s widely understood that maintaining an active social media presence is good for business yet many marketers have trouble explaining why and how to their partners. We know we’re supposed to have social media profiles yet we can’t seem to explain to our decision makers how it impacts overall marketing for the firm. To help clients, prospects and others better understand, FlashPoint has provided a summary of key reasons below.
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How SEO Benefits CPAs and Accountants?
Accounting marketers face many challenges when managing the needs and demands of the department. The Partner group has expectations about what marketing should be doing for the firm. Depending on the size and sophistication of the firm these expectations can differ. For larger firms with multiple needs there is often more than a single individual in the marketing department ensuring deliverables are completed and deadlines are met. This most commonly comes in the form of someone that is responsible for proposal development or event management. For smaller firms, the department is often a “one-man band” that requires the accounting marketer to wear many hats to meet the firm’s expectations.
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2019 SEO Trends for Professional Services Firms
The new year may only be a few weeks away, but SEO is always changing. This year alone, Google released dozens of updates, some of which have had a drastic impact on how marketers approach SEO and Google analytics. Keeping your firm’s website at the top of Google search rankings takes more finesse than it used to, and the old methods of keyword placement and meta tags simply aren’t enough. Since the only constant is change, read on to learn what professional services firms can expect from SEO in 2019
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Why is Search Intent Important in Content Marketing?
When incorporating SEO into your businesses content marketing strategy, it’s important to understand and then focus on what your prospects and customers may be searching for or about. In other words, understanding intent of the searcher’s inquiry is necessary to develop relevant content. This is why and where keywords enter the picture and are important to both content marketing and SEO.
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Quality Content Search – What is E-A-T?
To take advantage of the various ranking opportunities it’s essential to get inside the mind of Google to understand what they are looking for and how to position your company’s website and content. In prior blog posts, we have discussed several of the Google SERP features, how to rank for them and other opportunities to consider. Targeting these features as part of your overall approach is important as they will enhance your click through rate.
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How Do I Get the Best Staff Headshots?
When an accounting, CPA or law firm undertakes the process of revamping their website, an important consideration to make is professionals’ photos, including headshots and action shots. The truth is no one gets a second chance to make a first impression and headshots and custom imagery of the firm or company’s professionals is a key portion of that first impression. For this reason, it’s essential to ensure the photography team you hire can capture the firm (and its team) in the best light possible. Ensuring that you capture the “spark” or angle that connects the site visitor with the experience and value proposition of your company is imperative.
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