SEO Guides, Tips & More!
Learn from Our Experience
Getting Noticed in Local Search
By now most firm marketing professionals understand the fluid nature of SEO. There is a seemingly endless task of action items that must be completed on the action list. Reviewing keywords, checking website traffic and identify new business from the site are just a few.
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Importance of Middle of Funnel Content
Content – it’s your website’s product and when it is high quality it’s the reason people come to the site. Most accounting marketing professionals understand the importance of consistent content development and have created a process which permits this.
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Content Marketing Gains Importance While Backlinks Decline
A recently published Google ranking factors study (by SearchMetrics) it has reported that backlinks are on the decline when it comes to websites and search engine ranking. As many firm marketers know, backlinks have had a huge impact on search engine rankings and SEO over the years. In fact, backlink building has one essential element in a successful SEO strategy. However, the game has changed. While backlinks are still important (nothing changes that quickly), it’s important to recognize that we have entered a new SEO area of self-learning algorithms. They can do magical things not done in the past including evaluating relationships between content and use intent. This change reinforces the idea that well written content – especially when it provides valuable information for prospects and customers – is a top component of SEO.
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SSL 101: What you Need to Know
Let’s face it the job of an accounting marketer is more challenging and diverse than ever before. Not only do you need to have proficiency in marketing communications but also in digital marketing. This includes not just digital marketing strategies but also an understanding of basic website, SEO and other concepts.
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2017 SEO Trends
It’s a new year – 2017 has arrived, and with it a new horizon of ever-changing SEO trends. As the year begins, now is the time to prepare to get informed on new SEO trends that will impact your firm’s website and other digital marketing efforts.
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Proactive SEO for Accounting Firms
The role of accounting marketer has changed significantly over the past several years. The days of focusing on marcom is over and now professionals need to be versed in a broad range of topics.
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Mobile First Indexing – Google in 2017
It was recently announced that Google is finalizing changes to how they index content to focus attention on mobile content over desktop when serving results. As new and innovative mobile devices flood the market, Google has made it clear throughout 2016 that greater emphasis will be placed on mobile content and mobile searches.
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SEO 101: Best Ways for Beginners to Gain a Backlink
One of the most powerful methods for impacting a firm’s website rank is through securing authoritative backlinks. As most accounting marketers are aware not only is quality content necessary to perform well, but so are robust backlinks. Over recent years, Google has focused more and more on rewarding content that is viewed as quality. One […]
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Tips for Effective Keyword Planning and Research
By now most accounting marketing professionals have a grasp on the basics of search engine optimization or SEO. At the least there is a conceptual understanding that each page should have set of keywords assigned to it that are relevant to content. However, over time it’s quite common to give thought to how keyword diversification could impact website traffic and ultimately conversions. These thoughts are essential to the SEO process and ones that our clients often confide in us. Experimentation in SEO is crucial as it will help determine how to optimize the site for best results. However, most accounting marketers are not familiar with the process of keyword research and planning so they hesitate to make experimental changes. Keyword research and planning is often the most mysterious part of SEO for most marketers. So rather than relying on guesses or what feels right, we have provided a few insights on how to approach the process below.
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