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How Social Media Helps SEO

     -     Oct 1st, 2015   -     Search Engine Optimization   -     0 Comments

untitledIt will come as no surprise to anyone reading this blog post that we now live in a world where social media inundates just about every facet our daily lives. However, in spite of our increasing reliance on social media, some businesses are still failing to realize the effectiveness of social media as a business marketing platform. Many still see it as something just for fun or entertainment, a platform to share updates about what they had for dinner or pictures of themselves on vacation, and not as a marketing tool to reach clients and prospects. But when you think about the fact that there are over 1 billion people on Facebook and over 900 million combined on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest, your business should absolutely have a presence on the social media networks where your clients and potential clients spend time.

So how does social media help your SEO strategy? As the search engines have become more sophisticated at interpreting search intent and delivering relevant results, search engines are now turning to social media to understand what web content is popular, relevant, and credible. When both your social media and SEO efforts are working in sync, they help increase website traffic and engagement, get your content out to the right people, and boost authority and brand awareness.

Traffic Volume and Site Engagement

Sharing content on social media can increase the volume of traffic visiting your website, which is a huge factor in search engine ranking. Items shared on social media like blog posts, videos, event listings, etc., if relevant and of high value to clients, will drive traffic back to your site.

Also, if the content shared is interesting and engaging enough to keep users on the page for a while rather than navigating away from your website right away, you will most likely be rewarded in the results as bounce rate, pages per visit, and time spent on site all influence results and ranking.

Discovering New Content

Earlier this year, Google and Twitter announced that Google’s search results would now include tweets and Twitter accounts that matched the search term. Factors such as how many people tweeted the content, the amount of retweets, and the time frame in which the content was shared are all taken into consideration when indexing the content, and as we well know, getting content indexed is vital for SEO.

If your firm isn’t currently using Twitter, or even Facebook, on a consistent basis, you are missing a great opportunity to not only share content, but also to interface and engage with clients. When you are struggling for ideas on what to post, provide answers to commonly asked questions or give hints or tips. This allows the firm to demonstrate its authority and strong skill set in a particular area and makes it more likely that Google and others will want to visit regularly.

Boost Authority and Brand Awareness

In simple terms, Google will rank your blog posts and website higher if it sees that you are a credible, authoritative source. In addition to determining your credibility based on how many people link back to you, Google also considers your social media influence. How is social media influence determined? There is no specific way to improve your authority and influence other than to give your audience a quality experience. You can do that by delivering relevant content, getting people to like, share, and link to your content, and engaging the right people with your content.

Doing these things will improve your reputation on social media, which in turn will lead to an increased awareness of your firm and brand. That enhanced firm presence is going to lead to more searches on Google for your firm by name, and the more targeted searches your firm receives, the more likely it is to rank for non-branded keywords.

Contact Us

Social media is here to stay, and as a result, social business is going to become a crucial part of all marketing strategies moving forward. Do you use social media consciously to boost your SEO? Let us know if we can help!

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